
Jakub Juhás: The Charm of Jasenina

Born in 1990 in Lučenec. He graduated in culturology at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and interactive media theory at Masaryk University in Brno. He is a journalist and a director of the music publishing company Mappa Editions. He wrote the novel Novoročný výstup na Jaseninu [The New-Year’s Climb on Jasenina] (2016) which he commented on: “Listening is what interests me the most. How we listen, what we listen to, and how it affects us in our everyday lives. Listening was at the birth of this book. I wanted to know what sounds are in a valley, a dam, a purification plant, a village. On the other hand, there were also new approaches, looking for original material and unconventional structuring. Of course, an experiment may or may not turn out well, but that’s its charm.”